Sunday, August 31, 2008

This is what I come home to on a Sat. morning

Originally uploaded by paulbettner
Talk about lucky! On Saturdays Paul takes the bun when ever I want to give her to him. I handed her off and went to Starbucks for some Chai, which I have to drink whilst I can. When I got back, I had to get this picture. Oh, the love!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden as VP

I love it!  My father is not his biggest fan, but I appreciate the foreign policy guns he brings to the table as well as his ability to offend nearly everyone without guile.  Perfect match for Saint Obama.  I can't wait for the debates!  Obama is so succinct.  McCain doesn't stand a chance.  Now, if we only knew who his running mate was... Romney perhaps?  Damn, there goes half of the mormons for Obama.  

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Eloise in the hospital after a dehydration scare

Originally uploaded by paulbettner
Apparently, I was exactly the same age when I stayed in the hospital for dehydration. They gave her a spinal tap. THAT was worse than labor, she was frothing at the mouth. The Dr. was a real prick, he came in with a swagger:
Dr. Prick: "I do 200 of these a year, no worries, this is what we do here, everything will be fine."
Us: "Great, could you explain to us what you are looking for, what the process is, what medications if any you will be using, and what we should expect?"
Dr. P: "It's all very boring, I will let you know what we find."
P exits stage left.
When he came back and did the lumbar puncture, he missed and got NO spinal fluid. Paul and I decided that if he was going to posture like House, he had better do a hell of alot better than that.
We ended up in the hospital for 3 days. She got fluids, antibiotics, and we watched House season 2 in its entirety. She was fine and we got some needed rest.

Eloise 2 weeks old

Originally uploaded by paulbettner
She was sooo tiny, 6lbs 6ozs, and then she lost 8ozs from jaudice! What a weird feeling, to have a baby. I highly recommend it.


Have I really not blogged since I was pregnant? Sheesh, well, as Ani says, "no man, I just got... distracted." Eloise was born May 17. It was NOT as planned. She was 2 weeks early, my water broke and I didn't go into labor. They had to induce and after 5 hours of pitocin I was only dilated to a 3. Thats when I gave in and took the epidural. We ended up staying in the hospital for several days because she was jaundiced. Nursing sucked for several weeks. She looks exactly like Paul, it is more than a little odd, sometimes I look down and think I am nursing my husband!